Kolkata Videos: Our City Our Passion: Ganer Opare Episode Videos: 12th April, 2011

Kolkata Videos: Our City Our Passion: Ganer Opare Episode Videos: 12th April, 2011: " "


  1. Pupe needs to take care of her image............her performance of late has taken a sound beating because of inept handling of her character by the script writer and the director.............she is forced to play a somewhat incoherent role with excessive sobbing and listless smiling............while the images of Gora and Prodipto are soaring that of Pupe is taking a nose dive........she needs to pay more attention to her roles.........instead of revolting against the 'Sonar Tori' she should show her rebellious nature against the Directorial Team of Ganer Opare more than anywhere else.

  2. Pupe's revolt won't b affective since she is the puppet of the Director and producer...so there was a grater chance that she could have been thrown out of the gear...But how long she'll b under the drapery of "rabindra Nayika"?....she is talented,dynamic as well as glamorous...so she must break her image and that is inevitable....her weeping practice is gud for the industry as this pracice is going to assist the future tolly film or may b another tele serial...But many r not aware that pupe has a gud singing voice..so I feel that her own voice could have been used for making the songs more realistic..feel pity for pupe bcoz her acting skill didn't employ properly in this serial...the team of GOP shud hold the responsibility for making such mockery


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